Heavy legs
One in three adults suffers from venous insufficiency. Contrary to popular belief, the sensation of heavy legs also affects men,
26% of them complain about venous circulation disorders in the legs, and 57% of women. In total, 18 million adults are
Indeed, the number of victims of venous insufficiency increases with age. As we age, the veins lose their elasticity and no
longer contract as easily. From 65 years of age, body muscle strength drops at a rate of 2% per year. Menopause and
hormonal changes that accompany it can also trigger the problem of heavy legs.
For the blood to circulate properly and return to the heart to get oxygen, our bodies need to walk. If we do not walk enough,
the blood stagnates in the veins at the ankles.
Prolonged venous stasis is responsible for circulation disorders that most commonly results in heavy leg syndrome. Other
symptoms of poor circulation are numbness, tingling and restlessness.
AIRVEIN offers an answer to the lack of walking.
The exercises performed with AIRVEIN imitate the work of muscles during walking and their effectiveness is more important
than simple bending of the foot.
AIRVEIN reduces venous stasis by the activation of the muscle pump in a sitting position.
The beneficial effects of AIRVEIN include relieving heavy legs, reducing swelling, numbness, tingling and tension in the legs.
55 €
Shipping in Europe : included
Delivery in 4 - 8 days
Mattress with temperature
conditioned and heated